What Pipid species are available in the pet trade?
In the European pet trade Hymenochirus boettgeri and Xenopus laevis (especially the Albino form) are the most common species. During recent years Pipa parva has become increasingly available both as captive bred animals and wild caught animals. Sometimes Silurana tropicalis, Pipa carvalhoi and Xenopus borealis are available. In Europe Pipa pipa is rare, but in the USA wild caught imports are often available. In the USA African dwarf frogs are often sold as Hymenochirus curtipes, but in most cases they are actually Hymenochirus boettgeri .
How can I tell the difference between African Dwarf Clawed Frogs and African Clawed Frogs?
You can find details under species and systematics.
I have bought some aquatic frogs at a pet store, but I don’t know what species they are.
You can find details under species and systematics.
Are albino African Dwarf Clawed Frogs available?
Not, really. But since some years there are very bright coloured ADCFs available. There are ADCFs that look very pale under certain lighting conditions. All albinos in the pet trade are the albino form of Xenopus laevis.
Are wild animals of Pipid species available in the pet trade?
Most of the African Dwarf Clawed Frogs in the pet trade are bred commercially in the USA (Florida), the Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, Poland and Indonesia. But there are also ADCFs available from Lagos in Nigeria, Cameroon and possibly other African countries.Wild-caught imports of Xenopus, Silurana and Pipa are available but Xenopus laevis is usually bred commercially. I am always interested in contact with importers of wild-caught Pipids, especially ADCFs.
Where do pipids come from?
African Dwarf Clawed Frogs and African Clawed Frogs are from Africa and Pipas are from South America. You can find more information under species and systematics (still under construction).
How old can pipids get?
Pipids can live for more than ten years. I know cases of more than 25 years.